Monday, April 28, 2008

Wow! It's been a long time!

I haven't posted here in awhile, but I'm sure that we have all finally recovered from the Saint Patrick's Day Season! The recital is around the corner, and a few final details are being sorted out. By the end of this week, I"ll be able to email everyone with the details. Remember, all family and friends are invited, and tickets do not need to be reserved in advance. I just ask that anyone who is not an immediate family member please donate $1 to help us with the cost of the recital! It shouldn't be long, no more than 45 minutes, but there will be a very entertaining "awards ceremony" for parents and dancers directly after the dancing is complete. As a special treat, all of the teachers will participate in one recital routine as well, so get the cameras ready! Video recording is more than welcome, and overall we should have a great time! Please email me if you are unable to dance, the date is June 1st, from 1-2PM.

I hope everyone enjoys this last month of classes, I have had a great time this year! Also, we will have a summer session of classes in August if there is enough interest, so let me know! And, I promise to blog more...thanks for checking in!!!!!!


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