Sunday, September 16, 2007

So Much News!!!

Hello everyone!
There is a lot of news, so I'm going to try to remember everything...

First: SHOES.

We have several pairs of lightly worn pairs of dance shoes available, and as promised we will start a page on this website dedicated to pictures and information about used shoes that families within the school are trying to sell! I would like everyone to have soft shoes as soon as possible, and hardshoes by the beginning of October. If there are any questions, please email me!

Next up on the list: SHOWS.

Because we are a performance school, it is only logical that we start focusing on performances as soon as possible! This week, each class has begun practicing their routine, and this will continue as we learn new steps. HOWEVER, I would like parents and students to keep their eyes and ears open for good show opportunities. Ideally, our goal is to begin performing before the new year so that we are well established by March (SAINT PATRICK'S DAY!!!). The great part about shows is that they are opportunities for exposure. If we receive payment, it will go towards things like:
-helping families with costume costs (this is first priority)
-marching in the St. Patrick's Day Parade (you have to pay to march!)
-covering operational expenses (it's always nice to pay the rent)
-helping with recital costs (eek! it's still a long way off but time flies)
-helping us throw a HUGE Rince Na Sidhe annual BASH! (I love a good party)

This leads me to unveil our RINCE NA SIDHE SHOW INCENTIVE PROGRAM! If a parent or dancer successfully arranges a paid performance by Rince Na Sidhe, he or she will keep 20% of the amount that the school is paid! This way, everyone is a winner! Let's get crackin! (can you tell that I am doing everything possible to avoid the "let's sell candy bars" kind of fundraising? Mary hates selling...)

Item #3: Promotion

I am well acquainted with members of a popular local Irish traditional band, and they brought up the possibility of inviting Rince Na Sidhe to perform with them. Not only would this be great for exposure, but perhaps one of these performances could be a fundraiser for the school. Nothing is confirmed, but I am going to try to use my powers of negotiation, wit, and charm to hopefully make this happen for us! More info to follow, so stay tuned!

Item #4: Steps

We are going to be teaching a lot of material in class, so I will add a steps page to the blog. Dancers can click on their classtime and look at all of the words to steps that we have learned this year. That way everyone has a quick reference to help during practice at home. I repeat, during practice at home. *hint hint, dancers!* hahhahhhaaha!

OK OK, enough is enough! I think that's all for now. Thanks to all of the parents on Saturday for talking with me and making great suggestions for fundraising ideas. I'll see everyone next week.!


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